Phones and PBX Solutions in Nairobi Kenya
Office Phone systems
At TDK Solutions Limited, we sell, service and install, PBX systems, for small, medium, and large size businesses in Kenya.
Here you will find a full range of products that include the latest systems in high-tech to offer you a solution that assists your firm to be more efficient. Call us for office phone systems, IP Based Systems, telephone repair and installation, VOIP Phone systems, and data services.

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Whether you need a legacy phone system maintained, or an entirely new communications system for multiple offices, Tdk Solutions Limited is the answer you have been looking for. As our expertise also includes complete data network solutions, you can rest assured that we can fully integrate a communications system that will best leverage your existing or future IT infrastructure.

We can help you with the Installation services listed below

We have solutions for every type of application – from 5 phones to 500 phones.

  • PBX
  • Digital
  • VoIP
  • Multi-Office
  • Data and Voice Wiring
  • Unified Messaging
  • Call Center Solutions

Please contact us or ask us to contact you about your phone system needs today!

We provide phone system sales, repair, installation, system set up, consulting, and all manner of tech support for small and midsize businesses throughout Kenya and East Africa

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